The Catholic Youth Organization, of the Diocese of Hamilton was incorporated on June 11, 1958. The agency is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors comprised of twelve members, with two serving as Officers of the Board: President and Vice-President. The Executive Director of the agency serves as Secretary to the Board. The C.Y.O. Board operates on a modified governance format with clearly defined roles in policy development for the Board and operational issues for the Executive Director. We have a clear code of conduct for all members that clearly identify their collective role as a Board Member.
Board Recruitment Process
Board recruitment is a standing agenda item. The Board’s nomination committee consists of three Board members who constantly search for potential candidates. Each year, the Board conducts a scan of current members and identifies shortcomings in the current make-up.
Succession Planning
Our president serves two-one year terms; we elect our vice-president specifically with the intent of assuming the presidency two years hence. Current officers of the Board, in conjunction with the Executive Director, identify potential executive candidates very early in their stay with the Board.
Board Training
The C.Y.O. has an extensive Board Orientation Manual and every new Board Member undergoes an orientation session with the Board President and the Executive Director. The C.C.S.O. (Catholic Counsel of Service Organizations) has developed a defined leadership program for new Board Members for all member organizations.
Board Evaluation
The Board uses a two step process to evaluate the committees success:
Step 1: Each meeting is evaluated by one member of the Board on a rotating basis.
Step 2: At the last meeting of the current term, all Board Members complete a diagnostic questionnaire
covering the past year’s work.
Want more information about becoming a C.Y.O. Board Member?
Please contact:
Brett Martin
Executive Director
Phone: 905 528-0011, ext 3600