‘One to One’ Program
Children with Special Needs Camping Program
In 1972, the C.Y.O. was one of the first camps in Ontario to integrate children with special needs, ages 6 to 13, into our mainstream camping programs. Our unique ‘One-to-One’ program offers short-term respite care by ensuring that a dedicated counsellor is given special training to handle the responsibility and challenges of providing assisted care to these special children while they participate in our C.Y.O. camping programs.
Over 12,700 children with special needs and their families have benefited from this unique ‘One-to-One’ Camp Program. This service is available at our residential camp, Camp Brébeuf and our inner-city summer day camp Camp Marydale.
‘One-to-One’ Program
The C.Y.O. ‘One-to-One’ program is available to families who have a child with a special need. Many families that request our ‘One-to-One’ Program have children that have any combination of the following physical, behavioural and/or developmental disabilities, such as: Spina Bifida, Cerebral Palsy, Hearing & Visual impairment, Angelman Syndrome, Scoliosis, Down’s syndrome, ADD / ADHD and Autism, just to name a few. Click here for more information about our ‘One-to-One’ program.
‘One-to-One’ Counsellors
Our ‘One-to-One’ counsellors provide 24/7 respite care and assist the child in walking, eating, hygiene requirements as well as taking their medications. Our ‘One-to-One’ counsellors offer peace-of-mind to families knowing, that their child is receiving safe and caring supportive service, while offering their child the opportunity to participate in our camping programs and activities along with their able bodied friends.
Sponsor-A-Camper… “Because Every Child Deserves to Play”
Our ‘One-to-One’ program is subsidized by the funds raised through our annual Gala Dinner and donations from our annual CAMPERSHIP FUND. As a result of these funds, families who request our ‘One-to-One’ camper program do not pay any more than any other able-bodied camper participating in our C.Y.O. summer camp programs.
If you would like to give a child a summer to remember, please make a donation today.
Want More Information?
For more information please contact the following C.Y.O. Camp Directors:
Ian Fraser, Camp Marydale Summer Director
5999 Chippewa Road
Mount Hope, ON L0R 1W0
Phone: 905-528-0011 ext. 3601
Email: marydale.director@cyo.on.ca
Katie Moncrieffe
8434 Brébeuf Path
Rockwood, ON, N0B 2K0
Phone: 519-856-4671
Fax: 519-856-2560
Email: Katie.Moncrieff@campbrebeuf.ca