Polar Plunge Fundraiser
The Polar Plunge is happening at Marydale Park this year. Saturday March 22. Click for details…

Fengate Recreation Fund
We are thankful to the Hamilton Community Foundation and the trustees of the Fengate Recreation Fund. The C.Y.O. has received a donation from the fund.

Happy Times at Summer Camp
Excerpts from parents about how their kids benefited from summer camp.

Waterloo co-op students are an integral part of Camp Brébeuf
At Camp Brebeuf, students work as outdoor education facilitators leading large groups of kids through various activities. The camp hires primarily from the faculties of Environment and Health with a focus on talent from the Kinesiology and Therapeutic Recreation programs.

Cable 14 Interview
Retiring Executive Director John Spatazzo and new Executive Director Brett Martin are interviewed on The Hamilton Network on Cable 14.

We’ve Got a New Basketball Court!
Basketball is rebounding with children and youth in Hamilton

'It's been a blessing': John Spatazzo to Retire After 18 Years as C.Y.O. Executive Director
Since taking the reins of the Catholic Youth Organization, John Spatazzo estimates the not-for-profit agency has impacted the lives of close to one million young people.
Starting as an athletics programmer in 1988, Spatazzo worked his way through the ranks, becoming executive director in 2007.

Good Food is for Sharing
Our first batch of harvested food was donated to the Ancaster Community Services food bank this week.

C.Y.O. Welcomes New Executive Director
Cross-country Spring 2024
This year’s spring Cross-Country event was a thrill to behold.

Our Marydale Learning Garden
During the month of May we’re moving the dirt, and getting ready to plant.
This is exciting, and you can help us!
Land-based education, or Outdoor education, will enrich our outdoor experiences for children and youth all summer long.
We are starting a Learning Garden at Camp Marydale
One way to grow children and youth is to teach them all about how food grows. We are growing a garden to help kids learn how food is made!

“Opportunities Far Beyond the Playing Field”
Through a variety of sports programs, the CYO has created a platform for children to challenge themselves both physically and mentally, fostering qualities of resilience, discipline, and teamwork. These programs not only cultivate a sense of healthy competition but also instill values that extend beyond the realm of sports, promoting the development of well-rounded individuals.

“Shaping a Legacy of Resilience and Inclusion”
The athletic and recreation programs offered by the C.Y.O. promote inclusivity in sports, create a sense of belonging, boost self-esteem, and foster a supportive community where diversity is celebrated.

“Building My Leadership Skills”
I was able to go through the process of tryouts, learned about team commitment, and what it was like to be a part of a team. This is a special and fun opportunity for kids to put themselves out there, discover talents, and make friendships through the course of grade school.

“A Sense of Belonging”
My journey with the C.Y.O. began when I was six years old, in first grade. I participated in fall sports including cross country, attended educational trips with my classmates, and went to summer camp every year.

“Lessons Learned, Memories Made”
The Catholic Youth Organization had a major impact on my life since the age of seven. From the moment I ran my first cross country in 2011 with the Crusaders Athletic Program to this past fall where I worked the event, I carry forward with me all the lessons learned, and memories made.

Goemans Appliances: An Exemplary Community Partner
We are proud to say that Goemans Appliances is an important community partner for the CYO. Through the generosity and vision of Goemans, the programs and facilities we manage are becoming the best they can be.

TD Friends of the Environment Foundation is Helping Create our Learning Garden
We are grateful to receive special funding assistance for the creation of our new Marydale Park Learning Garden. This exciting new place will be a hub of activity for our hundreds of visiting children and youth from local schools and groups, as well as our participants in our special retreats and day camp program.

Spectator Summer Camp Fund
We are pleased to announce that our day camper program at Marydale Park will be assisted by a donation from The Hamilton Spectator/CHML Summer Camp Fund.