Our Marydale Learning Garden
We’re moving the dirt, and getting ready to plant. This is exciting!
Land-based education, or Outdoor education, will enrich our outdoor experiences for children and youth all summer long.
It’s good to grow healthy and strong, in as many ways as possible.
It’s even better to learn about water systems, plant biology, and what commonly grown local vegetables we can (and should) grow in our area.
Last Wednesday we got started with building our Learning Garden for this season. The weather started out cool but, hey, it was a good day for working because the rain held off (mostly) and we didn’t end up drowning in muck.
Each planting row is about 1 metre wide, with a walking pathway between. The pathways are dug down and filled with wood chips.
Garden consultant Kevin H. kept things light-hearted and informative. He taught us the basics of the Soil Food Web and how important it is to remember the role of fungi and bacteria in creating healthy soil that vegetables love to grow in.
We also learned that he likes to ride his bike…. FAR…. like across continents.
Thank-you Mark R for the skyview photos.
City Enrichment Fund, Participating Donor
Thank-you to everyone who came out and got digging in the dirt.
Our sore muscles will unite us.
Next Workday is May 1st, Wednesday
We want to get the planting beds finished, and soon we will have wood chips covering the pathways.
TD Friends of the Environment Foundation, Participating Donor
To join the Marydale Learning Garden Club, click here. You’ll get notices of our workdays and other ways of supporting our project and learning with us.