Cross-country Spring 2024
Once again, Marydale Park in Hamilton, home of the Catholic Youth Organization’s Camp Marydale and Outdoor Education program, celebrated the elementary schools “Cross-country” races.
This year’s race course didn’t disappoint, of course. The recent rains had left one or two muddy patches which added to the challenge for our thousands of young runners.
Thank-you, as always, to our dedicated teachers and principals who sustain the vision for this fun way to keep fit and enjoy the outdoors by arranging to bring the kids to this event!
And thank-you parents and guardians for coming to Marydale Park to cheer on your children!
We look forward to seeing you again in the Fall.
We’re pretty excited about our new Splash Pad, which is visible here (the sandy section on the right). We’re also building a multi-use sports pad (aka basketball court) and a Learning Garden.
All of this is for the children and youth of this generation. It’s our mission to provide them with a rich, wholesome, educational, and fun outdoor recreation experience.
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